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Jianshu (Shanghai) Haojin Products Co., Ltd.

Mobile: 18616907727

Tel: 021-52218308



Address: Building 16, Jinshan Electric Appliance Factory, No. 25 Jinzhangzhi Road, Zhangye Town, Jinshan District, Shanghai

Shanghai sheet metal processing attention matters

Release date:2019-05-10

The time required for attention in the processing of sheet metal processing in Shanghai is very much. As long as you pay more attention to these matters, the whole processing process can be made more perfect. So what are the things that need to be noticed in the process of detailed processing? Here is a detailed introduction for everyone.

First of all, in the process of processing, Shanghai Sheet Metal must pay attention to see how the processing equipment itself has the difference, and must do a job of differential control in the process of processing. Different differentials have different precisions in the process of machining, and are therefore a critical aspect of demand for each processor.

Secondly, Shanghai Jinjin should pay attention to the control system when processing. The control system is also very important for processing. Therefore, this aspect is also the key to the demand, and the product must be processed at the time of processing. The control system is doing the conditioning work. This is also the greatest strength in terms of processing a better Shanghai sheet metal, so this aspect is also very important.

All in all, there are a lot of things to be aware of when it comes to sheet metal processing in Shanghai. These are some of the things that need attention, so as to ensure the final processing quality.

Regarding the good question of Shanghai Jinjin, from my contact, building a tree is very good!

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